| The Higgs mechanism is a cornerstone of the Standard Model (SM) and its supersymmetric extensions. The masses of the fundamental particles, electroweak gauge bosons, leptons, and quarks, are generated by interactions with Higgs fields. After the discovery of the Higgs boson it is of paramount importance to understand its properties in detail. Non-standard Higgs bosons, if they exist, can have unusual properties. For instance, their interactions with quarks and leptons can violate the CP symmetry, in a way that is completely different from the Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism of the Standard Model. Higgs-sector CP violation is a fascinating possibility, with implications on the physics of the early universe. Another line of our
research is to devise and investigate strategies how to explore the CP properties of Higgs bosons, resp. how to search for Higgs-sector CP violation at the LHC.
In this talk, the research status of Higgs physics and its related topics at LHC will be introduced.