




报告人: 马雄峰教授  清华大学交叉信息研究院


报告时间:2016622 15:00




邀请人:仝殿民 教授


报告内容摘要:Coherent superposition of quantum states is a peculiar feature of quantum theory. By adopting a proper resource framework, coherence of quantum states can be quantified systematically. Many coherence measures have been proposed, amongst which, coherence of formation and relative entropy of coherence are two important ones, corresponding to coherence cost and distillable coherence, respectively. In the meantime, quantum randomness is considered to be potentially a critical resource for information processing, which stems from quantum coherence. Considering individual and coherent measurement of the correlated party, we show that the coherence of formation and the relative entropy of coherence measure the quantum randomness for these two situations, respectively. Furthermore, we calculate the gap between the two quantum randomness and find its relation to quantum correlation.


报告人简历: 马雄峰教授2003年北京大学物理系本科毕业,2008年多伦多大学获得博士学位。2008年到滑铁卢量子计算中心从事博士后工作,2011年到多伦多大学做博士后,同年到利兹大学访问学者。2012年到清华大学交叉信息研究院任助理教授。主要从事量子信息和量子光学的研究,特别是在量子密码学,量子随机数发生器,量子关联,量子攻击等方向的研究。