
Surface Based Dirac and Topological States and Strain Engineering




时间: 2017年7月14日下午 2:30, 地点:知新楼 C702,

报告人:Feng Liu, 美国犹他大学材料科学与工程系终身教授,系主任

报告题目:Surface Based Dirac and Topological States and Strain Engineering


Strain engineering has been developed as a well-established approach to enhance the performance of electronic devices, a key to the modern CMOS technology. On the other hand, strain engineering has been a continuously self-reviving approach employed in a wide range of research areas. In this talk, I will first review some of our “old” works on strain induced self-assembly of nanostructures in heteroepitaxial growth of thin films, in particular through strain partitioned nanomechanical architecture, and on strain engineered electronic properties of 2D materials. Then I will introduce our latest “new” study of strain engineering of spins via mechanical bending of a topological nanofilm, which we named “topological nanomechanical architectiure”. This novel approach affords a promising route towards realization of robust spin injectors with 100% spin polarization and large spin current density.




   刘锋教授是美国犹他大学(University of Utah) 终身教授, 材料工程系系主任、美国物理学会会士 (American Physical Society Fellow)、世界最著名的物理学期刊《物理评论快报》编辑 (Divisional Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters),曾获德国洪堡高级研究奖、澳大利亚国际教授奖、中国基金委海外杰青奖、中科院海外知名学者奖、及美国能源部材料和工程物理研究奖。刘峰教授已发表研究论文200多篇、丛书8章、特邀综述论文18篇、并已在世界各地做过特邀学术报告200多场。刘锋教授还是10多项专利的发明人,其中他在2009年的一项专利被美国Sorensen Capital投资公司买断并成立了Solan公司,研发石墨烯在太阳能和光电器件中的应用,刘锋教授现任该公司首席科学顾问。2011年,刘锋教授的团队发明了纳烯(Nanoxene)复合材料并创办了Life-E公司,目前正在开拓纳烯材料技术在电热产品中的应用。