由77779193永利集团主办的“Thin Films & Photonics and Organic Electronics Interdisciplinary International Workshop”(薄膜暨光学和有机电子学交叉学科国际研讨会)定于2017年9月26至27日在山东省济南市召开。会议组委会热诚欢迎各位专家学者拨冗莅临,研讨薄膜暨光学和有机电子学交叉学科领域研究的最新进展。研讨会期间,将由来自国外墨尔本大学、南洋理工大学、新加坡国立大学、及国内香港浸会大学、77779193永利集团等高校的20余位专家学者做学术报告。
Tuesday, September 26
University Council Conference Room, 2th Floor, Block A of Zhixin Building
8:45~9:00 |
Opening and Welcoming, Chair: Xiaotao HAO, Shandong University |
Prof Feng CHEN, Dean, School of Physics, Shandong University |
9:00~10:00 |
Invited Talks, Chair: Prof Feng CHEN |
9:00~9:30 |
Speaker: Kenneth GHIGGINO, The University of Melbourne Title: Photon harvesting and concentration for solar energy conversion |
9:30~10:00 |
Speaker: Li LU, National University of Singapore Title: Li ion conductors and their applications in solid state battery and Li-air battery |
10:00~10:20 |
Group Photo & Break |
10:20~11:50 |
Invited Talks, Chair: Prof Kenneth GHIGGINO |
10:20~10:50 |
Speaker: Sam ZHANG, Nanyang Technological University Title: Functional thin films and coatings |
10:50~11:20 |
Speaker: Guojun QI, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTECH) Title: Towards water efficiency improvement in manufacturing processes |
11:20~11:50 |
Speaker: Zhaohong HUANG, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTECH) Title: Thin films for anti-corrosion of 3D molded interconnect devices (MIDs) |
14:30~16:00 |
Invited Talks, Chair: Prof Sam ZHANG |
14:30~15:00 |
Speaker: Jonathan White, The University of Melbourne Title: Synthesis of small molecule, and pendant polymer chromophores for Triplet up-conversion and Singlet fission |
15:00~15:30 |
Speaker: Zhong CHEN, Nanyang Technological University Title: Development of Mechanically Durable and Icephobic Coatings |
15:30~16:00 |
Speaker: Zhiyong PANG, Shandong University Title: Manipulation of Emission Colors Based on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Magneto-Electroluminescence from Exciplex Organic Light-Emitting Diodes |
16:00~16:20 |
Break |
16:20~17:40 |
Invited Talks, Chair: Prof Zhong CHEN |
16:20~16:50 |
Speaker: Trevor SMITH, The University of Melbourne Title: Photophysical processes in thin films studied by time-resolved and polarised microspectroscopy |
16:50~17:20 |
Speaker: Yang LIU, Shandong University Title: Crystal Growth and Structural Regulation of Hybrid Perovskite Crystals |
17:20~17:40 |
Speaker: Pengqing BI, Shandong University Title: Regulating the Vertical Phase Distribution by Fullerene-Derivative in High Performance Ternary Organic Solar Cells |
Wednesday, September 27
Morning: University Council Conference Room, 2th Floor, Block A of Zhixin Building
Afternoon: Quantum Lecture Hall, 7th Floor, Block C of Zhixin Building
8:30~9:50 |
Invited Talks, Chair: Prof Trevor SMITH |
8:30~9:00 |
Speaker: Furong Zhu, Hong Kong Baptist University Title: Highly sensitive near infrared organic phototransistors |
9:00~9:30 |
Speaker: Dave DUNSTAN, The University of Melbourne Title: The Viscosity-Radius Relationship for Semi-dilute Polymers |
9:30~10:00 |
Speaker: Wei QIN, Shandong Univiersity Title: Organic magnetoelectric coupling: from materials design to device fabrication |
10:00~10:20 |
Break |
10:20~11:40 |
Invited Talks, Chair: Prof Shijie XIE |
10:20~10:50 |
Speaker: John SADER, The University of Melbourne Title: Ultrafast dynamics of nanoparticles and their acoustic propulsion |
10:50~11:20 |
Speaker: Jianqiang LIU, Shandong University Title: Study of the mixed metal oxide photoanode based on layered double hydroxide for solar cell |
11:20~11:40 |
Speaker: Weijie NIE, Shandong University Title: Plasmonic nanoparticles embedded in laser crystals synthesized by ion implantation for enhanced optical nonlinearity and efficient Q-switched lasing |
Afternoon: Quantum Lecture Hall, 7th Floor, Block C of Zhixin Building |
14:30~16:00 |
Invited Talks, Chair: Prof Furong ZHU |
14:30~15:00 |
Speaker: Shijie XIE, Shandong University Title: Excited ferromagnetism in organic nano-composites with closed-shell structures |
15:00~15:30 |
Speaker: Muthupandian ASHOKKUMAR, The University of Melbourne Title: Ultrasonic Synthesis of Functional Materials |
15:30~16:00 |
Speaker: Guangfeng LIU, Singapore Nanyang Technological University Title: Imaging of self-assembly and solid-state phase transitions of molecular crystals |
16:00~16:20 |
Break |
16:20~17:00 |
Closing Remarks |