
Observation of spin-orbit magnetoresistance in metallic thin films on magnetic insulators


报告人:吴镝 教授






A magnetoresistance effect induced by the Rashba spin-orbit interaction was predicted, but not yet observed, in bilayers consisting of normal metal and ferromagnetic insulator. Here, we present an experimental observation of this new type of spin-orbit magnetoresistance (SOMR) effect in a bilayer structure Cu[Pt]/Y3Fe5O12 (YIG), where the Cu/YIG interface is decorated with nanosize Pt islands. This new MR is apparently not caused by the bulk spin-orbit interaction because of the negligible spin-orbit interaction in Cu and the discontinuity of the Pt islands. This SOMR disappears when the Pt islands are absent or located away from the Cu/YIG interface, therefore we can unambiguously ascribe it to the Rashba spin-orbit interaction at the interface enhanced by the Pt decoration. The numerical Boltzmann simulations are consistent with the experimental SOMR results in the angular dependence of magnetic field and the Cu thickness dependence. Our finding demonstrates the realization of the spin manipulation by interface engineering.


吴镝,1997年和2001年分别获复旦大学物理系学士和博士学位。之后分别在美国犹他大学和加州大学河滨分校从事博士后研究,期间获美国犹他大学物理系杰出研究奖。2007年被南京大学引进聘为教授。2011年获南京大学优秀中青年学科带头人培养计划。2013年受聘为唐仲英特聘教授。2008年入选教育部新世纪人才支持计划。2013年获首届国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金。先后主持国家重大研究计划、国家自然科学基金优秀青年和面上基金等多个科研项目。在NaturePhysical Review Letters等国际权威学术期刊上发表论文60余篇。