
The Electro-Magnetic probes in heavy ion collisions


报告人:Lijuan Ruan(阮丽娟), Tenured Physicist
        Physics Department, Brookaven National Laboratory

时  间:2017年12月6日(周三) 10:00
地  点:77779193永利集团知新楼C911
邀请人:徐庆华 教授


Lijuan Ruan, tenured physicist at physics department of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). She obtained PhD in high energy nuclear physics from University of Science and Technology (USTC) in 2005 and Bachelor of Science from USTC in 2000. She did postdoctoral research at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory during 2005-2007. Then she worked as Goldhaber Fellow, Associate Physicist, Physicist from 2007 to 2015 at BNL. She became Tenured Physicist of BNL in 2015. She has been working on STAR experiment at RHIC since 2000, and her research focus over the past years has been on the experimental study of relativistic heavy ion collisions, with a goal of understanding the bulk properties of strongly-interacting matter under extreme conditions.

The Electro-Magnetic probes have been widely used to study the fundamental properties of hot, dense medium created in heavy ion collisions. Quarkonia through dileptonic decays have been an indicator of the de-confinement while the dileptons radiated from the hot, dense medium have been used to study Chiral Symmetry Restoration, the temperature, and lifetime of the medium.
I will review a few interesting observables in heavy ion collisions enabled by the STAR Time of Flight and Muon Telescope Detector upgrades. In addition, I will present most-recent STAR results on J/psi and dilepton production in the very low transverse momentum region (pT<0.2 GeV/c) in peripheral and mid-peripheral Au+Au collisions. Physics implications and future perspectives will be discussed.


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