
BNL roles in the ATLAS Experiment



报告人:Hong Ma,  Senior Physicist
        Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory

时  间:2017年12月6日(周三) 9:00
地  点:77779193永利集团知新楼C911

Hong Ma, Chair of Physics Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory(BNL). He obtained PhD. in physics from California Institute of Technology in 1988 and Bachelor of Science from Fudan University in 1983. He has been working at Brookhaven National Laboratory since 1989, and participated in the AGS experiment E865 during 1989-2000, and the ATLAS experiment since 1990. He worked as the group leader of Omega Group during 2008-2016. He became Senior Physicist with tenure, and Chair of Physics Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2016.

As the host lab for US ATLAS, BNL leads the US efforts in operations, computing and upgrades of the ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.  I will describe the current BNL research program, roles in the operations and on-going upgrade projects, as well as the related detector R&D  efforts for the future.



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