由77779193永利集团主办的“Interdisciplinary Workshop on Thin Films & Photonics and Organic Electronics”(薄膜暨光学和有机电子学交叉学科国际研讨会)定于2018年10月10至11日在山东省济南市召开。会议组委会热诚欢迎各位专家学者拨冗莅临,研讨薄膜暨光学和有机电子学交叉学科领域研究的最新进展。研讨会期间将由来自国外墨尔本大学、斯威本大学、高丽大学、筑波大学、南洋理工大学,及国内香港浸会大学、南方科技大学、77779193永利集团等高校的30余位专家学者做学术报告。
Wednesday, October 10
University Council Conference Room, 2th Floor, Block A of Zhixin Building
8:00~8:30 |
Opening and Welcoming, Chair: Xiaotao Hao (Shandong University) Welcome speech: Shenghao Han (Vice President of Shandong University) |
8:30~10:00 Invited Talks, Chair: Kenneth Ghiggino (University of Melbourne) |
8:30~9:00 |
Speaker: Paul Mulvaney (University of Melbourne) Title: Electro-Optical Modulation Using Gold Nanocrystals |
9:00~9:30 |
Speaker: Zhong Chen (Nanyang Technological University) Title: Anti-icing coatings: recent development and outlook |
9:30~10:00 |
Speaker: Linghai Xie (Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications) Title: SMART Assembly of Organic Luminescent Nanocrystals and Nanofilms |
Break |
10:20~11:55 Invited Talks, Chair: Feng Chen (Shandong University) |
10:20~10:50 |
Speaker: Kenneth Ghiggino (University of Melbourne) Title: Light Energy Conversion in Organic Polymers and Nanoparticles |
10:50~11:20 |
Speaker: Han Young Woo (Korea University) Title: Organic Photovoltaic Materials for Next Generation Green Energy Sources |
11:20~11:40 |
Speaker: Weifeng Li (Shandong University) Title: The Biological Effects of Nanomaterials and Application Study |
11:40~11:55 |
Speaker: Pengqing Bi (Shandong University) Title: Resolving the Mechanisms of Photocurrent Improvement in Ternary Organic Solar Cells |
14:00~15:40 Invited Talks, Chair: Zhong Chen (Nanyang Technological University) |
14:00~14:30 |
Speaker: Hsing-Lin Wang (Southern University of Science and Technology) Title: Design Synthesis of Nanographene-Based Materials toward Optoelectronic and Energy Applications |
14:30~15:00 |
Speaker: Trevor A. Smith (University of Melbourne) Title: Photon Pressure-Induced Aggregation of Polymers from Solution |
15:00~15:20 |
Speaker: Xiaoming Wen (Swinburne University of Technology) Title: Mobile ions in halide perovskites |
15:20~15:40 |
Speaker: Shiyu Liu (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology) Title: Design, deposition and characterization of nano-structured super-hard coatings for high temperature applications |
Break |
16:00~18:00 Invited Talks, Chair: Shijie Xie (Shandong University) |
16:00~16:30 |
Speaker: Furong Zhu (Hong Kong Baptist University) Title: NIR to Visible Light Up-conversion Devices |
16:30~17:00 |
Speaker: Takeaki Sakurai (University of Tsukuba) Title: Characterization of interface properties at organic-organic heterojunction using synchrotron based spectroscopy |
17:00~17:20 |
Speaker: Christopher R. Hall (University of Melbourne) Title: Visualizing Phase Segregation in Mixed-Halide Perovskite Single Crystals |
17:20~17:40 |
Speaker: Yang Liu (Shandong University) Title: New Techniques to Grow Organic Crystals |
17:40~18:00 |
Speaker: He Lu (Shandong University) Title: Quantum information processing with photons |
Thursday, October 11
University Council Conference Room, 2th Floor, Block A of Zhixin Building
8:10~10:00 Invited Talks, Chair: Paul Mulvaney (University of Melbourne) |
8:10~8:40 |
Speaker: Jonathan White (University of Melbourne) Title: Synthesis and characterization of phorphyrin-based materials for photochemical up-conversion and diketopyrrolopyrrole based materials for singlet fission |
8:40~9:10 |
Speaker: Xiyou Li (China University of Petroleum) Title: Intramolecular Singlet Exciton Fission in Tetracene Molecular Arrays |
9:10~9:40 |
Speaker: Jianlong Xia (Wuhan University of Technology) Title: Singlet Fission: The Underlying Mechanism and New Materials |
9:40~10:00 |
Speaker: Andrew J. Tilley (University of Melbourne) Title: Development of Light-Harvesting Organic Materials for Efficient Triplet Exciton Formation |
Break |
10:20~12:00 Invited Talks, Chair: Furong Zhu (Hong Kong Baptist University) |
10:20~10:50 |
Speaker: Muthupandian Ashokkumar (University of Melbourne) Title: Sonochemical synthesis of functional nanomaterials |
10:50~11:20 |
Speaker: Baohua Jia (Swinburne University of Technology) Title: Optoelectronic devices in the two-dimensional world |
11:20~11:40 |
Speaker: Lihui Bai (Shandong University) Title: Spin pumping in electrodynamically coupled magnon-photon systems |
11:40~12:00 |
Speaker: Wei Qin (Shandong University) Title: Organic magneto-optical effects |
14:00~15:40 Invited Talks, Chair: Trevor A. Smith (University of Melbourne) |
14:00~14:30 |
Speaker: Ann Roberts (University of Melbourne) Title: Thin Films for Optical Information Processing |
14:30~15:00 |
Speaker: Qunliang Song (Southwest University) Title: An internally photoemitted hot carrier solar cell based on organic-inorganic perovskite |
15:00~15:20 |
Speaker: Xuegang Chen (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Title: Interfacial Charge Engineering in Ferroelectric Controlled Mott Transistors |
15:20~15:40 |
Speaker: Yang Tan (Shandong University) Title: Enhanced Raman scattering of CuPc films on imperfect WSe2 monolayer correlated to exciton and charge-transfer resonances |
Break |
16:00~17:55 Invited Talks, Chair: Muthupandian Ashokkumar (University of Melbourne) |
16:00~16:30 |
Speaker: Debabrata Goswami (Center for Lasers and Photonics, IIT Kanpur) Title: Femtosecond Laser Induced Spatiotemporal Control for Remote Sensing and Computing at Nanoscale |
16:30~17:00 |
Speaker: Yonggang Min (Guangdong University of Technology) Title: Investigation and Applications of Multidimensional and Multifunctional Graphene Based Materials |
17:00~17:20 |
Speaker: Peng Zeng (University of Melbourne, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) Title: Tuning Electron Transfer Dynamics in CdSe/CdS/ZnS Quantum Dots by Alloying the Shell/Shell Interface |
17:20~17:40 |
Speaker: Xiaohui Liu (Shandong University) Title: Ferroelectric polarization controlled modulation doping and high-mobility ferroelectrics |
17:40~17:55 |
Speaker: Mengsi Niu (Shandong University) Title: Dissociation of Triplet Pair Intermediate into Charges in TIPS-pentacene:IT-4F Blend |
17:55~18:00 Closing Remarks,Chair: Xiaotao Hao (Shandong University) |