报 告 人:宋清海 教授 哈尔滨工业大学
邀 请 人:陈峰 教授
Lead halide perovskite is a kind of emerging new semiconductor for nanophotonics. To date, its exceptional properties have been exploited in different research areas including photovoltaics, photodetectors, and light emitting diodes etc. In this talk, I will briefly discuss the applications of lead halide perovskites on micro- & nano-lasers. Within the as-grown samples, we show different mechanisms to control the lasing modes. In addition, we have also developed top-down fabrication techniques for this material and successfully converted them from synthesized materials to various nanophotonic devices, e.g. bounded states in the continuum, color printers, meta-hologram, and nonlinear metasurfaces etc.
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宋清海,哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)教授、博士生导师,入选国家高层次人才计划。主要研究方向是微纳米激光器及微纳尺度下的光场调控。在Physical Review Letters(6篇,封面一篇)、Nature Communications(3篇)等杂志上发表近200篇论文。近三年,以通信作者身份发表Nature Communications文章3篇、Advanced Materials文章6篇,ACS Nano文章4篇,Nano Letters文章1篇,Laser Photonics Reviews文章6篇,Optica 3篇,Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters文章2篇,ACS Photonics文章3篇,Advanced Optical Materials文章9篇,此外还有Nanoscale,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Journal of Material Chemistry A, Nano Energy文章10数篇。其中多篇文章多次入选top downloads和SCI高被引论文,同时也被《Science Daily》、《PhysOrg》、《Nanowerk》、《Optics & Photonics News》、《Laser Focus World》、《Photonic Online》等数十家科学传媒高度评价。