
Plasma wakefield accelerators, toward compact facilities for future high-energy physics research and applications



   报告人:夏国兴 博士

时 间:20190716日(周二)15:30

地 点: 知新楼C702 量子报告厅



As the fourth state of matter, plasma can sustain very large electric fields. These strong electric fields can be harnessed for particle acceleration. Since the inception of the concept in 1979, plasma-based accelerators have achieved tremendous progress in the last four decades. Laser wakefield acceleration has routinely achieved GeV beam energy in centimetre long plasma channels. Electron beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration has successfully demonstrated the energy doubling of a 42 GeV Stanford Linear Collider (SLC) electron beam at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre (SLAC) and achieved the high efficiency acceleration for electrons and positrons, respectively. The new plasma-based acceleration experiment, dubbed as AWAKE (Advanced proton-driven plasma wakefield experiment) at CERN is currently coming online and has been demonstrated the capabilities of this novel plasma acceleration concept. In this talk, I will introduce nowadays’ worldwide high-energy particle accelerators, their current status and future. The basic principles of various plasma-based accelerators will then be focused and discussed. The key milestones achieved so far and the future prospects of plasma accelerators will be presented.


E. Adli, A. Ahuja… G. Xia, Nature 561, 363-367 (2018).

E. Adli, A.Ahuja… G. Xia, Physical Review Letters 122, 054802 (2019).

M. Turner, E. Adli… G. Xia, Physical Review Letters 122, 054801 (2019).

Y. Li, G. Xia, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61, 025012 (2019).


夏国兴博士,英国曼彻斯特大学物理和天文学院和Cockcroft Institute (Cockcroft加速器科学与技术研究所)终身研究员, Cockcroft加速器科学与技术研究所主管研究生教育和培训的常务主任。1997年毕业于兰州大学现代物理学系,2000年获得该校理学硕士学位。 2003年在中国科学院近代物理研究所获加速器物理和工程博士学位。2003-2005年在北京大学77779193永利集团做博士后研究, 2005起在德国电子同步加速器研究所DESY做博士后研究,参与国际直线对撞机的研发并负责阻尼环的束流动力学研究,期间因为工作出色获得DESY的所长研究奖。2008年起在德国马普物理研究所(Max Planck Institute for Physics)做研究科学家,领导先进粒子加速器研究组 (包括质子驱动等离子体尾场加速和Muon子冷却实验组)。目前,夏博士领导曼彻斯特大学先进粒子加速器物理研究组,主要参与CERNAWAKE国际合作实验项目 (他也是质子驱动等离子尾场加速实验的最初倡导者)。主要研究领域包括:基于超短超强激光脉冲和相对论带电粒子束流驱动的先进等离子体加速器,束流和激光驱动电介质加速器的研究,加速器束流动力学,先进材料在加速器中的应用和基于激光冷却原子的超冷强流电子束等。夏博士在各类期刊发表论文150余篇,文章被引用1200多次,他是国际期刊Physical Review Letters, Physics of Plasmas, New Journal of Physics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 等的审稿人。另外, 夏博士带领的团队还积极参与欧盟地平线Horizon 2020资助的科研项目EuPRAXIA (WP10的召集人)FCC (Future Circular Collider)项目。
