




Physical Properties of 2D Semiconductors: Theories and Applicaitons








Prof. Zhang received B. Sci and PhD in physics from Tsinghua University in 1998 and 2002, respectively. He is currently a senior scientist and capability group manager in Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR, Singapore, which he joined in February 2013. Prior to his joining IHPC, he was a professor at Department of Electronics, Peking University. His research is focused on the energy transfer and harvesting in nanostructured materials. He has authored or co-authored more than 190 publications in the peer-reviewed international journals, including 28 published in prestigious journals with impact factor higher than 10, and 9 review articles including 1 in Review of Modern Physics. His H-index is 49 and total citation is more than 8900. He was awarded with an Outstanding Ph.D. thesis Award in Tsinghua University (2002) and Singapore Millennium Foundation Fellowship (2002-2004). He serves as technical committee member for IEDM, associate editor for Frontiers in Physics, guest editor for Advanced Functional Materials, Chinese Physics B and editorial board member for Scientific Reports.

张刚教授分别于1998年和2002年在清华大学获得物理学学士学位和博士学位,现任新加坡科研局(A*STAR)高性能计算研究所(IHPC)资深科学家和课题组PI。在加入A*STAR之前,张教授曾工作于北京大学电子系。研究方向是纳米尺度材料的能量传输过程。张教授在国际著名期刊上发表论文190余篇,其中28篇影响因子大于109篇为领域综述文章,1篇发表在物理领域顶级期刊《Review of Modern Physics》(IF= 38.296)上。H指数为49,总引用超过8900次。获得清华大学2002年杰出博士学位论文奖和新加坡千禧基金会奖(2002-2004)。张刚教授是IEDM的技术委员会成员,物理学前沿(Frontiers in Physics的副主编,高级功能材料(Advanced Functional Materials的客座编辑,Chinese Physics B and Scientific Reports的编委会成员。