
How to Write a Research Paper by considering the editors' and referees' point of view?


报告题目: How to Write a Research Paper by considering the editors' and referees' point of view?

报告人:Prof. Omid Mahian,西安交通大学

报告时间:2022-01-10 (周一) 下午 7:00

报告地点:腾讯会议 ID811-442-586



Main Topics:

1. Writing cover letter

2. Structure of an article

3. How to write the abstract?

4. How to choose the best title?

5. How to suggest the referees?

6. Tips for writing articles in English

7. Getting money by publishing a paper!

8. How to choose the best journal for submission?

9. English edition of article and checking plagiarism

10. What is the easiest way to publish in Nature and Science?


Omid Mahian是西安交通大学教授(国家青年英才)博士生导师,伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)客座教授。EnergyRenewable Energy期刊编辑委员会的成员,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry的高级副编辑,ASME-Solar Energy Engineering Journal, Journal of Nano Materials Science, Alexandria Engineering JournalThermal Science的副编辑。他的研究方向主要包括纳米技术在可再生能源中的应用(如纳米流体在太阳能集热器和太阳海水淡化中的应用)和在能源系统中的熵产和㶲分析。迄今为止,Omid Mahian教授发表SCI论文230余篇。Omid Mahian教授发表的论文被引用次数超过12333(20221月,谷歌 Scholar),并且连续三年(2018年、2019年和2020)Web of Science评为高被引研究员。Omid Mahian教授在顶级期刊上发表论文,包括Progress in Energy and Combustion SciencePhysics ReportsNano Energy。由于在传热和可再生能源领域的贡献,他荣获多个国际会议和创新展览奖项。