题目:Recent progress in magnetic skyrmion physics
报告人:王向荣 教授,香港科技大学物理学系
邀请人:解士杰 教授、秦伟教授
In this talk, I will discuss several progresses made in our group about fundamental properties of skyrmions in chiral magnetic films. These include 1) skyrmion sizes in isolated, in crystal, or in stripy forms; 2) skyrmion nucleation, formation, and potential barrier energies; 3) the roles of magnetic field in skyrmion crystal formation; 4) the stability and existing conditions of composite skyrmions such as target skyrmions and skyrmion bags/cluster; 5) topological equivalence of stripy phases and skyrmion crystals.

主要从事凝聚态理论物理方面的研究,并已在变程跳跃导电中的负磁阻、超晶格电子输运、二维电子气和石墨烯中的KT转变、场致和电流导致的磁性翻转、skirmion微观机制等方面做出不少开拓和创新的研究成果。目前已Nature Materials、Physical Review Letters、Advanced Functional Materials、Nano Letters、Physical Review B、Applied Physics Letters等国际著名期刊上发表二百多篇高水平论文,多次受邀参加国际学术会议并作邀请报告。