报告人:马旭村 研究员,清华大学物理系
时间:2023年5月30日 (周二)下午 15:00
Low dimensional superconductors have been at the forefront of physics research due to their rich physical properties such as high-temperature (Tc) superconductivity. In this context, the atomic-scale exploration of epitaxial superconducting films and a strategy of designing interfacial superconductors with high Tc have attracted much attention. On the other hand, in order to unravel the underlying physics in cuprate superconductors, it is highly tempting to investigate directly the essential building block - copper oxide in experiment. However, the copper oxide planes in cuprates are usually sandwiched between the reservoir layers and hard to be probed directly. This talk will discuss the similarities between bulk high-Tc superconductors and interface systems, and present recent experimental observations of infinite-layer cuprate films with a termination of copper oxide planes.