报告题目:Complementary constraints on Zbb couplings at the LHC
时 间:2023年4月19日下午3点
地 点:知新楼C913
摘要:As one of those long-standing mild experimental anomalies from the LEP era, the Weinberg angle in the Zbb coupling certainly keeps drawing attention over the years as the LHC accumulates data. So far, differential data and studies from Drell-Yan and other potentially sensitive channels at the LHC and LHCb are yet to be competitive with the existing Z-pole measurements from LEP. We propose to look at another channel, the Zbb associated production, as well as its off-shell region where interference terms offer further distinction power. After exploring inclusive and asymmetric observable and including realistic detector simulation, we find that (HL-)LHC could help resolve the decade old anomaly.