
QCD factorization and jet cross sections in SCET


报告题目:QCD factorization and jet cross sections in SCET





报告摘要: Jets are a crucial signature of high-energy collisions, providing a unique way to study the properties of fundamental particles and their interactions. However, due to the large energies involved, the cross sections for jet production are dominated by higher-order corrections, which can exhibit intricate patterns of logarithmic enhancements. In this talk, we will review recent progress made by our group in the study of jet physics, including the development of new effective field theories and proposing transverse momentum-dependent jet observables. We will also discuss some of the open questions and challenges in this field and the prospects for future progress in understanding the properties of jets in high-energy collisions.

报告人介绍:邵鼎煜,复旦大学物理学系青年研究员。2014年于北京大学获得博士学位,先后在瑞士Bern大学、 欧洲核子研究中心理论部、美国加州大学洛杉矶分校从事博士后工作,2021年加入复旦大学。研究方向为微扰QCD、有效场论;高能对撞机中的现象学:喷注、重味夸克及Higgs物理;自旋物理、强子三维结构。