
Master Integrals for Higher Order QCD Corrections to Heavy Quarks Production and Decay



时 间:2019年12月17日上午10点

地 点:知新楼C座709会议室

邀请人:王 健 教授

摘要: Unravelling the mathematical structure of Feynman integrals will be important to handle the complexity of their calculation and may help us to obtain a better understanding of the perturbative quantum field theory. The study of the mathematical properties of Feynman integrals has attracted increasing attention both by the physics and the mathematics communities. Significant progresses were achieved in understanding the analytical computations of multi-loop Feynman integrals in recent years. In this talk, I will discuss some recent progress on the analytic calculations of Feynman integrals relate to heavy quarks production and decay.
