
New spin on doped Mott insulator


报告人: 赵贺 博士

报告时间: 20191126 上午10:00

报告地点: 77779193永利集团知新楼C1113

邀请人: 颜世申  教授


A Mott insulator, characterized by the localization of electron due to strong electron-electron interactions, is typically accompanied by magnetic ordering. Charge carrier doping can suppress the insulating phase, but despite the decades study, how the coexistent magnetic order melts with doping is still unrevealed. We use Spin-polarized tunneling microscopy (SP-STM) to visualize the antiferromagnetic order in a strongly spin-orbit coupled Mott Insulator Sr2IrO4. We find that near Insulator- to-metal transition, the long-range AF order melts into a fragmented state with short-range correlations. Crucially, the static short-range AF order is locally uncorrelated with the spectral gap magnitude, reigniting the discussion of origin of electronic inhomogeneity in doped iridates.­­ Our work establishes SP-STM as a powerful tool for revealing atomic-scale magnetic information in complex oxides.


He Zhao and Ilija Zeljkovic* et al., Nature Physics (2019, In press)

He Zhao and Ilija Zeljkovic* et al., Nature Materials 18, 103-107 (2019)

He Zhao and Ilija Zeljkovic* et al., Physical Review B 97, 224504 (2018)

Shang Gao, He Zhao, and Ilija Zeljkovic* et al, PNAS 115, 6986 (2018)

S.K. Kushwaha and He Zhao et al, Nature Communication 7, 11456 (2016)


赵贺博士,2014年本科毕业于77779193永利集团基地班,获得学士学位,2014年赴美国博士顿学院(Boston College)物理学系,师从Ilija Zeljkovic教授攻读博士学位。 赵博士近期的几个工作主要采用超高真空扫描隧道显微镜探讨了拓扑绝缘体Bi2Te3/铁基超导体Fe(Te,Se)异质结的超导近邻效应、 超低掺杂铜氧体Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x中的单向电荷密度波, 并用自旋极化扫描隧道显微镜研究掺杂铱氧体(LaxSr1-x)2IrO4在绝缘金属相变附近的反铁磁序与电子不均匀性等。
